Introducing Soundscape Streams with a Healing Touch
Featuring Advanced Positional Audio Technology
We believe in the healing power of noise and we make it sound good!
We listen to our listeners! Our programing has been optimized based on user feedback.
You have made-up my working hours a joyful experience. I’m in!
in the cloud
nuts and bolts
we design with passion
white paper
We use environment friendly technology to deliver broadcast services to a globally wide audience. Most of our resources are hosted by our solution provider Intellixis Cloud Services.
Our staff is always looking for new ways to enhance the scope of our offerings. We work closely with our solutions providers to optimize the end user experience to the highest level of reliability and satisfaction.
We are passionate about the holistic possibilities of broadcasting healing sounds. You as a listener will notice this statement throughout our programing. We just love listening anyways!
Please download Sonoxis Streams Booklet to learn more how you can benefit from our technology in your home or office. You can also reach us if you have a particular questions no covered in the publication.
We are excited to announce the launch of our new Custom Brand Division which allows corporate clients to create Controlled Sound Environment in the workplace.
This division is a response from an increasing interest shown by corporate clients in providing a healthier ambient in offices and places of work. HealingNoise proprietary Soundscape Enhancing Technology provides an array of innovating solutions to promote workload productivity by broadcasting healthy sound streams.
Sonoxis is a provider of Advanced Sound Technology based in the United States with a consolidated development experience .
We create custom Soundscape Strategies to satisfy the needs of clients seeking for an effective way to improve productivity and well-being in the workplace.